Lent Reflections 2023: Tirelessly Pursued
let us seek life eternal
What Freedom In Action Looks Like
Freedom allows Your Spirit to teach us to love each other deeply
Freedom allows Your Spirit to open us to receive love
Freedom allows Your Spirit to heal our mind … Read the rest
A Community’s Heavy Heart
Stunned silence.
Invisible shock wave.
First to family.
Blast radius of
Deep sadness.
An unwelcome erasure.
(why another?)
Without notice.
Young … Read the rest
So…Today Did Not Go As Planned!
Today… I awoke with an outline in my head of how the hours ahead needed to be spent.
Quiet time…exercise…finish laundry…swim and chat with friends on this early-season hot weather … Read the rest
Halloo! Happy Mid-week!
Were you looking for me?
I didn’t go anywhere.
I am just in the midst of this:
Luke 14:28-30 NIV
“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t … Read the rest
Living in the Tension of Both-And
This post is a little choppy.
My thoughts and emotions are kinda all over the place.
It’s like trying to gather a couple dozen spooked cats and get them to … Read the rest
The Truth of the Matter: I’m Not a Pop Star
if you’re peeking over the fence from your “yard” to mine thinking the grass is greener over here – it’s NOT.
Just being real here.
(this is what my … Read the rest
Grace for a Friday
Do you dress yourself in Grace?
Not just literally like me wearing this tee from Christian Oasis Apparel. https://christianoasisapparel.com/
But intentionally, spiritually, mentally?
If we all clothed … Read the rest