How Your POV Can Change from Condemnation to Freedom

Our church’s Lenten text this year is the Bible book of Romans.

I love this book.

My brain gets all buzzy on the spiritual/intellectual thrill ride of it.

Until the

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Lent Reflections 2023: Tirelessly Pursued

let us seek life eternal

let yourself be redeemed
allow forgiveness to free you
allow your pardon to be applied
you are purely loved
you have been tirelessly pursued
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What Freedom In Action Looks Like

Freedom allows Your Spirit to teach us to love each other deeply

Freedom allows Your Spirit to open us to receive love

Freedom allows Your Spirit to heal our mind Read the rest

How Love + Freedom = Sacrifice

See these people?

All friends for 20-ish years.

If we are lucky, we all meet together once a year.   Like this past weekend.

What a privilege to gather freely and … Read the rest