what happens to mama tears?

Recently I’ve reflected a bit on the duality of an infinitely, purely good God and the insidious, sneaky evil that simultaneously exist.

Innocent battered about.

Curiosity deceived.

Yet all can be redeemed and transformed into  beauty beyond any ability to imagine ourselves.

In the hands of God we all exist.

In His presence we one day will stand – nothing to hide behind.

Will I find Him guilty?

Or will I be breathless at His feet having witnessed He who will have made all things perfectly right, bringing full justice to completion and I will be near drowning in my own tears of wonder and relief that He has not held MY guilt against me because Jesus’ blood has satisfied the wrath I caused and deserved to be punished for?!

praying hearts open to God’s healing touch

begging miracles open the arms guarding pain

so God-with-us miracles triumph over the enemy’s intent

for isolation and permanent insecurity and destruction

replacing with permanent freedom and thriving community

pleading  God to breathe, to blow freedom

into crippled souls resurrection purposes

oh God our damaged souls all need You

have mercy to reverse the damage in hurting children

bringing beauty from ashes of children’s despair

their innocence turned to ash by evil and carelessness

yet a measure of innocence restored by Your healing touch

Your eyes of love seeing their inner being and reaching it

igniting their inner being with radiant hope for a future of Your remaking

a future that testifies to Your tender goodness and unmatchable transformation








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