The Elephant in the Room

It’s Friday.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not feeling as lighthearted this week as I was last Friday.

Earlier ideas of what to write today have dissipated as … Read the rest

The Irreplaceable WE : Community Matters


Safe space created

With intentionality

To be seen and heard;

Perhaps even known and loved.

We are better together.

God says so.

Togetherness sparks joy and Read the rest

Mission Monday – Psalm 1 Inspiration

Those who refuse Your bold advances of Love
Live to mock You and shame those who actively yearn for You
Those who refuse Your treasure of salvation
Live for an
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Friday Favs and Raves

Modern Day Psalms – that’s what I write.

Thoughtful.   Emotive.  Simple.  Worshipful.  Honest.

Any reader of Life In Psalm certainly gets a glimpse into who I am by reading my … Read the rest

What Can You Name as Greater than God?

SHARING THE LOVE 💕 this month.
Can YOU Name ANYone or ANYthing greater than God?

Anyone?  Anyone?
Anything GREATER than God??


Nope – no one, no … Read the rest

St. Valentine’s Heart

I don’t know if you’ve heard the story of St. Valentine.

I think there are several different versions out there.

The version that sticks in my mind is that St. … Read the rest

Life In Progress



Though perpetually unfinished
My soul aches for completion
Though continually in motion
I wish for everything to be still
Though the news blares terror
My hope is to anchor
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Live, Love, Obey God, Celebrate.


[excerpt from Life In Psalm]

Let us dance in the freedom

God granted when he pardoned our souls.

Let us embrace and kiss one another

             to express gratitude for Read the rest