Have You Noticed? Behind the psalm…

Smack dab in the middle of December!

That’s about where we are today.

[My hubs JJ and I hosted a 12 Days of Christmas themed party – he’s a Lord-a-Leaping, I’m a Swan-a-swimming.  Dorky is our jam.  One person noted I look more like a nurse with a white feather boa.  Ha!]

My latest psalm, Have You Noticed?, comes from a place of gathering up the snippets of holy moments that pierce through the holiday noise and bustle and find (amazingly) a spot in my heart’s awareness chamber.

For example, hearing Jesus’ Name proclaimed in the public square of retail shopping.  Not everyone is hearing it as truth proclamation…it may just be a familiar tune of the season – one tune among many.  I, on the other hand, feel both a sneaky giggle rising up as though I hear a secret code that others may not, and a sense of comfort and relief that Jesus’ Name can still be at least broadcast in our society.  There’s only so many times I can hear Rock Around The Christmas Tree or Feliz Navidad and other cultural holiday songs before a sad pit settles in my stomach realizing that the hype of their lyrics promises more than they can fulfill.

Other holy moment examples:  a stranger seen taking time out of his day to give money to someone asking for it, but also listening to their story.  Someone bringing Salvation Army bell ringers some hot chocolate.  Prayer and resources offered to ease the burden of loss and sadness after the wild tornados ripping through our country’s midsection.  Tears of a teen witnessed and heard as the age-old angst of these years begs to know if she is REALLY loved – followed by hugs and truth affirmation.  These moments are both holy and humble.

This week:  NOTICE.

Come back to this post,  Leave A Reply and ADD to my list of holy moments above.

What do YOU notice this Advent season??  (I’m excited to hear!)


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